Colkins Mill Church
Colkins Mill Church 

Sunday talks

We record most of our talks. Please click the button to listen to the talk.  The button will open the player and you need to hit "play".   If you would like a CD of a particular address please ask.  Older recordings are available on request too.

Joy in Christ - Paul's letter to the Church in Philippi

We are looking at this warm letter of friendship and encouragement from the Apostle Paul. The theme of joy comes again and again  through the letter, but it bubbles up from the real theme of the book which is the person of Jesus Christ.  Jesus is truly his people's joy.


Following our series on different people of all ages and backgrounds who were passionate for the Lord and fruitful, we are focusing on Elijah: a man just like us...

ps: for anyone wondering why the pic is a raven with bread in its beak - God used ravens to feed Elijah for a long time!

Age is no barrier

We are exploring different people in the Bible who were passionate for the Lord, available to Him and were fruitful in service.  For all of these people age was no barrier.  

Parables of the Kingdom

Jesus taught using parables - there are more than 30 of these stories recorded in the gospels.  Over nine weeks we will be looking at the 12 parables where Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like this...".

We want to be Kingdom people, understanding his everlasting Kingdom and helping to see it grow.


Christmas visitors

The Christmas story is full of visitors and people being visited. As we approach Christmas we will be looking at these visits, learning from each encounter and seeing how each points towards Jesus.


Foundation stories

This is a series looking at some foundational stories in the Bible - focusing on Genesis.  The book of Genesis is a book of origins, and teaches so much about God, creation, people, and God's purposes.

One-off talks

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© Stephen Harland